In October 2005, Paula and Carl Weeks began the arduous process of adoption. They finished and filed the paperwork, embarking on the most beautiful journey that is intended to unite families and did, in fact, do just that for them. Although the process was long and often grueling, they knew that in the end, when they had their child, it would be well worth it. And it was.

The seasons changed and in July of the following year, a birth mother emailed them and asked to meet. Although Paula and Carl had inclinations that made the meeting seem to be a bit “off,” they spoke with their caseworker who told them that they could go if they felt safe to do so.
They went and shared their hearts and tears over ice cream. When she held Paula’s hands and looked her in the eye, telling her she wanted me to be the mother of her child, she was stunned and speechless. There was still an unsettling feeling and so that night after arriving home, they prayed specifically that God would make it clear whether to move forward with that birth mother or to show them who the right birth mother and family was for them. They prayed for clarity and a unique connection that would help them to know that this was the child that would make them parents.
The following Friday, a young girl called Paula and Carl telling them that she was 16, due with her daughter in a week and wanted to meet them as soon as possible. Later that day, they were able to sit with this brave young woman, her parents and family and share their hearts’ desire.
As the birth mom rubbed her belly, she told them that the baby had been grown in Hawaii, where she had spent the majority of her pregnancy, and instantly, Paula’s heart began to pound because she had been born in Hawaii. Was this the baby they had been praying and waiting for? The Weeks were confident that yes, this was their girl.
With the same intensity that they hoped this was their daughter, they also knew that, if they were chosen to be her parents, they wouldn’t be able to just open their hearts to her and walk away from her family. They knew that they needed to open their hearts to her family, to open the communication between all of those who love her and be open to what lies ahead.
Kya was born in the wee hours of the morning in August 2006. She was welcomed by her birth family as well as her adoptive parents. Minutes after her safe arrival, the doctor stood in front of Kya’s birth mom, her birth grandparents as well as her adoptive parents and asked, “who wants to hold her first?” As much as Paula’s arms ached to hold her daughter, she sat quietly, and found herself loving Kya’s birth mom even more deeply as she tiredly said, “Give her to my dad.” At that moment, she had the wisdom to know whose arms Kya belonged in first. As her grandpa held that beautiful baby girl, his eyes spilled over with tears and he lovingly passed her to Paula before walking out of the room.
That moment was bitter-sweet. Paula’s heart was nearly bursting to hold the answer to her prayers and simultaneously crumbling with the pain that was evident as this family who truly loved this baby was preparing to entrust the Weeks to raise her. As she wept, she saw Carl crying as well. The weight of love, pain, joy, and sacrifice was tangible.
Thirteen years and a few days have passed since Kya entered the world and made Paula and Carl parents. Paula teared up, saying how her daughter didn’t just make her a mom, but she made her a part of a whole new family. Kya’s birth family is now and has always been a very present part of her life. Paula said “It’s difficult to say that we have been “blessed” because that word doesn’t seem to do it justice. Our lives are enhanced beyond belief from our daughter and her first family who are also counted in our forever family”.