Divorce Attorney Parma ID


Divorce Attorney Parma ID

Divorce attorney parma IDGetting a divorce can be a traumatic event that isn’t without its complications–emotionally and legally. Unfortunately, many times when people decide to get a divorce they do so without a clear strategy or objectives in mind. This can lead to several issues as well as possible delays. That’s why it’s key to have a divorce attorney in Parma, ID. They will be able to work with you to ensure that you get the results you desire and that your divorce is finalized and settled as amicably as possible. 

How Long Does it Take to Finalize a Divorce?

How long it takes to finalize a divorce can depend upon a few key factors. For cases where there is no major contention, you can expect the entire process to take between 30 to 90 days. For cases where there is major contention, however, the process can take much longer. Examples of contention may include:

  • If there are children involved, who gets majority custody and/or how will co-parenting and/or if there will be child payments involved. 
  • If there should be alimony payments and if so then how much. 
  • If a spouse is “at-fault” for the divorce or being accused by the other party of at being at-fault.
  • The division of property and assets. 

While some divorces are handled amicably, for most divorce cases there’s going to be some contention. There are a few ways to handle resolving any major contention. One way is to hire a third-party mediator who will be able to communicate between both spouses and help them reach a compromise that best benefits both parties.

However, sometimes a mediator isn’t enough to resolve contention. That’s why sometimes it’s necessary to have a divorce attorney in Parma, ID. They can better negotiate and use litigation if necessary to help you get the results you desire.

What to Do When Children are Involved?

Children being involved can make a divorce case much more difficult. Even though tensions may be high, in the case where children are involved it’s in everyone’s best interest to be as amicable as you can be with your partner so that you can reach a compromise. Rather this means splitting custody 50/50 or one spouse having majority custody. Exceptions to this rule are when the other spouse is abusive, financially irresponsible, or is simply incapable of taking care of the child. 

When it comes to co-parenting, the process can be difficult at first, but the idea is to give the child the chance to spend time with both parents. There are a few factors to consider, however. These factors may include:

  • Working out a schedule that works for all parties. 
  • Making sure the child will be taken care of in both locations. 
  • Taking into account factors such as if it’s important for the child to be raised religiously, what school they should attend, if they have special needs, etc. 

Contact a Lawyer Today

Dealing with a divorce can be a complicated and stressful event. Luckily, at Taylor Law & Mediation PLLC, we have plenty of experienced divorce attorneys ready to represent you! 


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